Hey Everyone
Everyone loves a good conflict, well I witnessed a good one today between Tool Depot (Toolguy) and the county of Plymouth. This has been going on for a while because the taxes in LeMars has been going up and up on a 15,000 sq ft building. With all of the buildings that Tool Depot operates out of LeMars's building has the most expensive taxes at $9047.00. The new location in Spencer, IA is around $4000.00 and is bigger than LeMars. Sioux City's location is around 20,000 sq ft and the taxes are around $7100.00. Sioux Falls which has a larger population based in Minnehaha county has cheaper taxes. This is all public knowledge if you know how to get into the county assessors offices.
So what did we do today??? This is the exciting part....
The Toolguy called up KMEG 14, they showed up today at Industrial Tools n Machinery at 11:00 am to do an interview, which lasted around an hour.
The next stop was Wells Fargo Bank in downtown Sioux City, with the camera crew and picked up $9000.00 in pennies, nickles, dimes, quarters and dollar bills.
We then went to the Sioux City Tool Depot picked up a couple of 2 wheel carts and a helper. Then on to LeMars, Iowa where we met up with the camera crew and got some more helpers.
Next stop was the Plymouth County Courthouse......Where we had the 2 camera crew, 4 helpers to carry in the money, the Toolguy and me, the Toolgal. We then took the 3, 2 wheel carts, up 2 different flights of stairs and wheeled the money into the treasure's office.
The Toolguy was then asked if he could be helped. He handed off his ticket for his taxes and told the helpers to unload the money onto the counter. The guy at the counter looked at Ron and told him he would be right back.
The next thing that happened was funny, Linda, the county treasurer, came out of the back room (probably from her office) and asked if she could help the Toolguy. He said he was there to pay his taxes, she said 3 times, "You would like to pay your taxes with Cash?" He said "Yes."
She then said she would be right back. She came back and had 2 sheriff officers with her, don't forget during this time the camera guys were still shooting the counter with the money on it, the first guy that helped us came with a cart. The sheriff and him loaded up all of the money onto the cart.
Next stop First National Bank of LeMars to have the federal boxes opened, the coin broke open to be counted and the dollar bills counted by hand as the machine did not work.
After getting to the courthouse at 1:45 pm, we got done at the bank at 3:30 pm. The best part of the trip to the bank, the Toolguy got 12 cents and 3 Canadian quarters back.
As a treat for being good while I waited we went the Ice Shop for some sundae's and malts!!!
In all we had a GREAT DAY!!!! Check us out at ToolDepot247.com, Facebook - ToolDepot.
Toolgal :)
Toolgal :)